I got a little worked up the other day about, shocking I know, Swift concurrency. So I posted this:

MainActor.run is almost never the right solution. You want to define your isolation statically on the type, via a global actor annotation.

Dynamic isolation is an escape hatch, and it should set off alarm bells every time.

But, this take is lacking a lot of nuance. Luckily, Rob Napier didn’t let me get away with it. Thanks largely to his feedback, I’ve thought about it more and I feel like this topic is worth a deeper discussion.

Static isolation

Isolation in Swift can take two forms. Keywords like nonisolated, isolated, actor and global actor annotations are all static. They are ways of expressing your isolation requirements to the compiler via the type system.

class SomeMainActorOnlyClass {

// allowed only if the compiler can prove this will be on the MainActor
let b = SomeMainActorOnlyClass()

Modelling your code’s isolation requirements statically has a lot of benefits. You aren’t one unexpected code path away from a crash. You no longer need to check the documentation to find out if some type is ok to use on a background thread. Or if some callback needs to happen on the main thread. These kinds of issues, which have been a major source of bugs for Apple platform developers for decades, are suddenly impossible. That’s quite something.


Going from nothing to compiler-guaranteed thread-safety cannot happen overnight. There’s an enormous amount of pre-concurrency code out there. To help deal with this reality gracefully, Swift offers a variety of tools. One is a way to express isolation dynamically.

Dynamic isolation

Locks, queues - these are all things that require correct coordination at runtime to keep things working right.

queue.async {
    // this depends on the runtime instance of queue

Dynamic isolation will feel familiar. It requires the use of runtime constructs, in the form of methods on an actor. Here are some examples:

MainActor.assumeIsolated {
    // promise the compiler this bit of code is
    // actually already on the MainActor

// add a runtime check to guarantee that the actor-ness is
// what you expect

await MainActor.run {
    // run a chunk of synchronous code, hopping over
    // to the actor if needed


I think both assumeIsolated and preconditionIsolated are great! They are very useful for interfacing with code that either does not or cannot express the isolation you want.

But, my post from above was really aimed at MainActor.run. And I singled it out precisely because of its similarity to other synchronization mechanisms. I’ve run across a lot of code that looks like this:

class SomeClass {
    var state = 1
    func doStuff() async {
        let newValue = await doAsyncWork()
        await MainActor.run {
            self.state = newValue

This pattern probably feels really familiar, because it is so close to what you might do with a DispatchQueue. I want to be really clear - that alone is a valid reason for doing this!

The problem is, just like all forms of runtime synchronization, the compiler cannot help you. Constrast it with this:

class SomeClass {
    var state = 1
    func doStuff() async {
        self.state = await doAsyncWork()

Not only this this code a lot simpler, it is also almost certainly a better reflection of reality. It is possible that the state variable is the only thing that needs to be mutated on the main thread. But I think that situation is quite rare. Most likely, you just have a type that only makes sense to interact with on the main thread. You tell the compiler this, and boom, it will enforce that.

That enforcement is a double-edged sword.

Incremental adoption

Making just one type @MainActor can result in cascade of errors at all usage sites where the compiler now cannot provide that MainActor guarantee. This virality can make it really hard to incrementally adopt concurrency with targeted changes. Perhaps that’s not too big a deal for smaller code bases/teams, but I bet this is a killer for big projects. So what do you do?

You make use of dynamic isolation to contain the spread!

class NewlyMainActored() {

class ProbablyShouldJustBeMainActorEventually() {
    // this one stops the MainActor spread
    func withoutIsolation() {
        MainActor.assumeIsolated {
            let obj = NewlyMainActored()
    // so does this
    func asyncWithoutIsolation() async {
        await MainActor.run {
            let obj = NewlyMainActored()

    // not as bad as the whole type, but still possibly disruptive
    func withIsolation() {
        let obj = NewlyMainActored()

This right here is probably the single best reason to use dynamic isolation. It is a very good tool for incremental adoption.


The run method has another really useful trick up its sleeve, which Rob zeroed in on immediately. It’s a handy way to execute multiple synchronous calls without the risk of suspension. I’m just going to steal his example:

// atomic
await MainActor.run {

// definitely not atomic
await obj.methodA()
await obj.methodB()   // There is a suspension point between A and B

// equivalent to .run
await Task { @MainActor in

And yeah, sure, it might make more sense to combine these two methods into one call. But, this is a contrived example, and that could be easier said than done. This kind of usage is also totally valid. Further, I think it is preferable over the equivalent Task version. I find it much clearer, especially when you have to rely on .value for a Task that doesn’t return anything.

All part of the journey

I heard a funny quip that says any time you see a headline ending in question, the answer is always no. I’m quite pleased to follow that pattern. No, dynamic isolation is not bad.

But, I think we can also agree that static isolation is preferable. If you find yourself using dynamic isolation solely because it is a familiar pattern, that’s something to think about more deeply. Static isolation is a safer, clearer way to express what you need. That doesn’t mean you can always or even should start with it. Adopting concurrency will be a long process. Dynamic isolation is a very handy tool for getting there, I just don’t think it should typically be an end-state.

Everyone say it with me now: “It Depends!”.