To use Swift concurrency successfully, you have learn to think in terms of isolation. It is the foundational mechanism the compiler uses to reason about and prevent data races. All variables and functions have it. The thing is, isolation is really different from every other synchronization mechanism I’ve used before. Now that I have more practice, I find it often feels really natural. But getting to that point took real time! And, boy, did I make some spectacular mistakes along the way.

Developing intuition around how isolation works is essential, but it will be less work than you might think!


Let’s start by looking at the variable self. It’s familiar! You may feel very comfortable with self, but there is actually a lot going on.

func topLevelFunction() {
    self // ERROR: Cannot find 'self' in scope

The self variable is only available in the bodies of methods of a type.

struct Person {
    let name: String

    func whoAmI() {

Did you ever stop to think where self actually comes from? The function whoAmI takes zero arguments. I don’t know how Swift has implemented this internally. But, we can model it with a top-level function like this:

func person_whoAmI(_ instance: Person) {

It’s not nearly as nice, but this version is roughly equivalent. In fact, many C APIs do exactly this to emulate the concept of objects. Like many other languages, Swift has added syntax and a little magic to make it easier for you to work with structures. And you are probably very comfortable with both of these things!

You can start by thinking thinking about isolation the same way you think about self.

Isolated Parameters

It’s possible for you to make pretty extensive use of Swift concurrency without ever even running into isolated parameters. Here’s a simple example of what the syntax looks like:

func usesIsolatedParams(_ actor: isolated any Actor) {
    print("I'm isolated to \(actor)")

Yes, the type of actor is quite complex. But, I really want you to try to focus instead on the shape of the function. It is really similar to person_whoAmI from above. It is just a function that takes a parameter! While it might not be common to do isolation this way, I think it’s really interesting to see it laid out so explicitly.

I also want you to note the actor parameter, which defines the isolation of the function, cannot change within the body. This is an important thing to realize about isolation in general. It will never change for synchronous code.


I tried to pick my words really carefully there. Isolation never changes for synchronous code, but it can temporarily change when you make asynchronous calls via await or async let.

func usesIsolatedParams(_ actor: isolated any Actor) async {
    print("I'm isolated to \(actor)")

    // all synchronous, so no isolation changes will occur

    // but this may require a change in isolation!!
    await someAsyncFunction()

    print("back to \(actor)")

    // may also require a change!
    async let value = anotherAsyncFunction()

    print("and back again to \(actor)")

Isolation cannot change at all for a synchronous function. And it cannot change for the synchronous parts of an async function. But, as soon as you need to make an async call, it could.

This is really a consequence of the fact that isolation is controlled entirely by a function’s definition. It does not matter how the caller is being isolated. This is completely different from how queues or locks work, and its worth taking a moment to think about it.

Once you’ve digested this, we can distill everything down into two rules:

Rule 1: isolation is controlled by definitions

Rule 2: isolation can only change via async calls

Tracing isolation

Rule 2 governs how isolation can and cannot change. Rule 1 controls where isolation is specified. And, yes, that rule sounds simple. But the most common form of isolation, global actors like @MainActor, can influence a definition when protocols and/or inheritance are involved. And since those are often in other files/modules, it isn’t always obvious.

To illustrate this, I’m going to use SwiftUI. I am not a fan of how SwiftUI’s View type handles isolation. But, View is something many Swift developers are familiar with, and it is precisely because it is so tricky that it makes for great example material.

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("hello: \(self)") // what is the isolation here?

Hey look, a self reference! It might not take you much effort to understand what self is now. But, there was a point in everyone’s programming journey when they had to do quite a bit of thinking to get it.

Isolation is the same thing!

If you feel good about how self works, it’s because you’ve internalized the algorithm the compiler uses. So much so, that you might not even need to think about it. But I’m going to really spell out what’s happening with isolation here, despite it being so similar.

Let’s bring the definition of View in too, so we can look at it all together. Remember, our objective is to determine the isolation of the body property.

protocol View {
    associatedtype Body : View

    // 4 - protocol member ... AH HA!
    @ViewBuilder @MainActor
    var body: Self.Body { get }

// 3 - protocol conformance
// 2 - type
struct MyView: View {
    // 1 - definition
    var body: some View {
        // what is the isolation here?
        Text("hello \(self)") 

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down one step at a time.

  1. First, we check the var definition. Nothing.
  2. Next, we check the type definition. Still no isolation.
  3. Ok, does this var satisfy a protocol? We have to check that.
  4. Here it is! This protocol defines body as MainActor-isolated.

Global actor inference

This whole process is quite involved because of something called global actor inference. This article does a great job of explaining the rules in more depth. But I’m going to try to boil it all down into one really simple rule:

Rule 3: protocols can specify isolation

In the case of View, the protocol is specifying the isolation of a specific member. But it is possible to apply isolation to the protocol as a whole. I want to highlight this because, at first, I was confused about how it worked.

protocol CustomActorStuff {

// This does not affect the isolation of the UIViewController
// type. It's still MainActor...
extension UIViewController: CustomActorStuff {
    // ... but everything in here will be inferred
    // to use MyCustomNonMainGlobalActor

This is really just another consequence of rule 1: the definition wins. While a protocol can specify isolation, you cannot use one to change it.

The algorithm

The whole point here is to help you develop some intuition about how things get isolated. To do that, we’re just learning the algorithm the compiler uses. And yes, it can get complex with inheritance or protocols. But, the actual algorithm your brain can use can be very simple.

  • Check the definition
  • Check the enclosing type
  • Protocol involved?
    • Check its definition
    • Check its enclosing type

That’s it.

All in all, I find global actor inference to be something that only sounds scary and complex. In my experience, it is usually something you can learn once and then just apply.

View.body is MainActor, done.

Again, without the inference

I want to help solidify how this process works by looking again a SwiftUI View. But, this time, we’re going to consider two trickier cases.

// 3 - protocol conformance
// 2 - type
struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        // we know this is MainActor
        Text("\(formalGreeting) \(self)") 

    // 1 - definition
    func formalGreeting() -> String {
        // but what about this?
        return "hello"
    func lessFormalGreeting() async -> String {
        // or this???
        return "sup"

Because SwiftUI’s View only isolates body, tracing the isolation of these two functions is more straight-forward.

For formalGreeting:

  1. The definition has no isolation.
  2. The enclosing type has no isolation.
  3. The View protocol doesn’t impact the function.
  4. ???

So, nothing? Yes! Non-isolation is totally a thing, and in fact is quite common. But, rule 2 still applies! Synchronous code cannot change isolation. So, this function just has no isolation at all. Fortunately, the compiler has our back here and will prevent us from doing anything unsafe accidentally.

Now, what about lessFormalGreeting? The only thing we’ve changed is we made the function async. But the algorithm still works! This function is also non-isolated. Making a function async does not change how you determine isolation.


There’s one more thing we need to cover. When it comes to isolation, closures are extremely close in behavior to regular functions. Rules 1 and 2 still apply. Rule 3 isn’t even relevant because closures cannot conform to protocols. But we do have a problem. When working with concurrency you may make use of the Task API. And it, being part of the currency system, treats closures specially too.

Let’s modify our view from above. We want to determine what isolation will be in effect for the Task body.

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        // we know this is MainActor
        Text("\(formalGreeting) \(self)")

    func formalGreeting() -> String {
        Task {
            // ...ummmm...

Figuring out how Task does isolation starts with first knowing the isolation of the enclosing callsite. We know how to do this now, we just use The Algorithm.

  • formalGreeting has no isolation
  • MyView has no isolation
  • Does View’s isolation of body apply?

We can see that formalGreeting is called from body, and we know that is MainActor-isolated. But, it’s really important to keep in mind that isolation is a compile-time construct. The runtime state does not matter. This means formalGreeting is non-isolated, even if it will actually only ever run on the MainActor in practice. But we need to know more to figure this all out.

Task’s parameter definition is a little magic. The closure that Task takes uses a special attribute called @_inheritActorContext. This changes the definition of the Task body to inherit whatever isolation is in effect on the outside. This means the isolation outside a Task does not change on the inside. And that’s great, because it does not alter our algorithm at all!

All this long, dense explanation means is Task will match the isolation of its enclosing function. In this case, that makes its body non-isolated.

The same thing, however, is not true of Task.detached.

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        // we know this is MainActor
        Text("\(formalGreeting) \(self)")

    func formalGreeting() -> String {
        Task.detached {
            // ...soooo...

I’ve made two changes to the code. I’ve added explicit isolation to formalGreeting, but I’ve also switched to using Task.detached. This API will prevent isolation inheritance.

Despite that @MainActor on the containing function, this Task will be non-isolated.

Explicit Closure Isolation

I want to mention just one more detail about closures. Because they are basically a function + a definition all in one, closures have another capability. You can also define isolation inline.

Check this out:

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        // we know this is MainActor
        Text("\(formalGreeting) \(self)")

    func formalGreeting() -> String {
        Task { @MainActor in
            // ...okaaay...

In this example, formalGreeting is back to being non-isolated. And we know that Task will also be non-isolated via inheritance. But then we go ahead and add explicit isolation on top of that! Does this work?

Recall rule 2: isolation can only change via async calls.

This change in isolation is not a violation of this rule, because Task allows us to introduce a new async context! But, to really highlight that, look at an example that does not use Task:

// a non-isolated function
func takesAClosure(_ block: () -> Void) {
    // definitely not running on the MainActor

func usesClosure() {
    // WANRING: Converting function .... loses global actor 'MainActor'
    takesAClosure { @MainActor in
        // wait, why not?

Our closure definition says it is MainActor-isolated, but the parameter definition does not. The compiler correctly catches this mis-match. There’s nothing async about this, so a change in isolation is not possible.

The take-away here is the Task API is special. But it is special in a way that I think ends up making it feel surprisingly natural.

(I also want to point out that closures may be getting more powerful and less-weird in Swift 6.)

Practice makes better

I went though several variations of this post. And it got way longer than I was originally expecting. After stumbling onto the self analogy, I really thought it could be a good way to help develop intuition around isolation. But, like all good analogies, this one breaks down when you look closely. There are lots of places where self and isolation do not behave even remotely the same.

Despite the weaknesses, I think the concepts here still have merit. Learning how self works seems to be something people can make second nature. And I think the same thing can be done for isolation. It’s just going to take some practice. I really hope this approach is helpful. But, if it isn’t or is confusing at all, please let me know.

If you find stuff like this useful, sponsorship helps me do more. Concurrency training and consulting is also now something I do apparently, so if you need help reach out!