A blog exploring advanced programming topics in Swift.

Watch our first ever livestream

Monday Feb 6, 2023

Last week we hosted our first ever livestream. In an hour and a half we discussed some of the tools that our Dependencies library comes with that we didn’t have time to discuss in episodes, and we live refactored our open-source Standups to use the new iOS 16 NavigationStack. We also answered 18 viewer questions, and just have 94 more left in the queue. 😅

We are now hosting that recorded livestream on our site, and it is available free for everyone to watch. We have taken the time to clean things up a bit and make it more digestibile for viewing in a non-live manner, including:

  • 1080p video: The event was streamed live at 720p, but the recorded version can be watched at 1080p.
  • Chapter markers: Most of the big, important topics of the livestream have been made available and you can start the video at any chapter.
  • Fully searchable transcript: We cleaned up a machine-generated transcript by hand, complete with speaker annotations and timestamps.
  • Question & answers: All questions and answers have been pulled out into their own section, with timestamps. If you couldn’t stay for the whole livestream your question may have been answered!

Future livestreams will be for subscribers-only, so if you found this video interesting, be sure to subscribe today!

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