A blog exploring advanced programming topics in Swift.

Cyber Monday Sale: 30% Off Point-Free

Sunday Nov 28, 2021

We do this only a few times a year: we’re having a rare, one-day Point-Free sale this Cyber Monday by offering 30% off the first year of your subscription!

Once subscribed you’ll get instant access to all 169 episodes (96 hours of video and growing!) of Point-Free content, including popular collections that were created or expanded this past year:

SwiftUI Navigation

Navigation is a really, really complex topic, and it took us 9 episodes (and nearly 6 hours!) to build up the concepts from first principles. Along the way we wrote a powerful set of tools that allow one to model their domains in the most concise way possible while still making it ergonomic and simple to use SwiftUI’s navigation APIs. We even open sourced a library from the content of these episodes!


Dependencies can wreak havoc on a codebase, and that’s why it’s important to understand what a dependency is and the best way to control it. We devoted an entire series of episodes to defining dependencies and showing how to control them. And then another whole series on how to make tests stronger and more exhaustive by using better designed test dependencies.

Tour of isowords

We spend a lot of time talking about software best practices, but we also practice what we preach. To demonstrate this we open sourced an entire application (a game no less!) to show how to build a large project in SwiftUI, using the Composable Architecture, with a full test suite, in a modern and modular Xcode project style, and more.

WWDC 2021

We devoted a series of episodes to exploring some of the cool features announced at WWDC this year, including .refreshable, @FocusState, and .searchable. We first explore these APIs from first principles, and then apply them to the Composable Architecture.

SwiftUI Animation

Animation is one of the most impressive features of SwiftUI, but the APIs can be quite mysterious. Our series of episodes shows how each API can be used and builds a tool for “animating” Combine schedulers, which has amazing applications for vanilla SwiftUI and Composable Architecture applications.

Subscribe today!

We have plenty of exciting topics planned for 2022, including all new episodes on parsing (improving ergonomics, “reversible” parsing, applications to iOS routing, and more), navigation in the Composable Architecture, deep explorations into Swift concurrency, and more!

Click here to redeem the coupon code now. The offer is valid for only one day, so you better hurry!

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